Life Blog

Meet Jamieson: Our Summer Intern at Ohio Right to Life!

Meet our new summer intern, Jamieson!  Hey all! My name is Jamieson and I am one of the interns at…

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911 tapes: Aborted fetus was breathing

Over the weekend, a Phoenix news station reported new audio evidence about a baby born alive after a botched abortion.…

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Democrats Advance Pain Awareness Bill

Today, the Senate Committee on Health and Human Services is hearing testimony on SB 291, legislation which would make September…

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Wendy Davis Fundraising with Ohio Democrats

Three summers ago, Wendy Davis rose to political infamy with her pink-tennis-shoe filibuster against Texas’ Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.…

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The Right to Life and Election 2016

To a lot of folks, the 2016 Election isn’t shaping out to be the election year they thought it would…

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Pediatricians Seek to Reduce Pain Experienced by Preemies

Last month, the American Academy of Pediatrics released a policy statement on the prevention and management of pain experienced by…

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Three Years Since Gosnell…

Yesterday, we told you about the urgent need to pass the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act in Ohio. Today reminds…

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TAKE ACTION: Your help needed to save lives in Ohio!

Ohio Right to Life saw the introduction of our Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act a year ago. Last spring, we…

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Motherhood: All love begins and ends there.

Together, you and Ohio Right to Life bear the beautiful privilege of being a part of the heart that is…

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Still need a Mother’s Day gift? Shop using AmazonSmile!

Every Mother’s Day, Ohio Right to Life is eager to help you celebrate your mom, and moms across the state…

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